How many times have you been yelled at for falling asleep during an assignment by your parents or teachers? The best way to distract others would have been to constantly tap your pencil or talk to a classmate. When I was growing up, we didn’t tolerate distractions from work. However, distractions are becoming more sophisticated as we age.
It’s easy to become distracted without even realizing it! It is a vicious game being played by distracted individuals. They are losing. What is worse is that these distractions are even more common at work. Our home training shouldn’t distract from one place, we were warned.
It was reported in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine that three out of four workers are distracted at work. A staggering 70-75%! The average employee spends just 3 hours doing actual work each day (out of 7-8 hours spent at work).
The first step toward breaking this habit is learning about the different types of time wasters. Below are eight of the most common time-wasters at work. Our goal is to help you regain your focus and productivity by picking the ones that are applicable to you.
What’s up with those time-wasters? Where do they come from?
People who waste time are, in the first place, people who waste time. We define time-wasting activities as anything that consumes your attention for a prolonged period of time but is not related to your work task. This is probably your assumption. “Surely, there must be too many distractions to be listed.”
You are right in what you say. It is true that there are many work-related activities that waste time. Article titles such as ’16 Time Wasters for Entrepreneurs’ or ’10 Distractions For Home Workers’ might be appropriate. But we’ll leave that for another day.
First, let’s examine the most common time wasters at work and the ways to discourage them from doing so.
What are the Biggest Time Wasters at Work
1. Email
Why is it such a time-waster?
Sending emails at work seems innocent enough, doesn’t it? Well, think again! A study found that business emails average 304 per worker per week. The average employee checks their email 36 times during a single hour.
Checking email takes employees approximately 16 minutes before they are able to focus on their work again. Consider that for a moment. Imagine having to refocus every 16 minutes on 36 different occasions a day. Take this and multiply it by 36 every hour.
Approximately four refocus sessions (four 16-minute sessions) occur each hour. You have wasted an entire hour by checking your email four times. You’re beginning to see the point of that 40% of actual work, aren’t you? It’s no coincidence that email is often called the single biggest waste of time.
What are your methods for overcoming it?
With ScreenRec, you can send video messages rather than typing, emailing, and checking your inbox. It’s easier and faster to speak your mind than to type a two-page letter.
In the end, ScreenRec will save you time since you will not have to upload the video. The link to your recorded video will be automatically shared. To share this link, paste it into a text message, DM, or email.
2. Too many meetings
Why is it such a time-waster?
The most common cause of productivity loss at work is meetings. According to one study, 92% of workers are distracted during meetings. A study of executives found that 67% of meetings fail.
When people do not pay attention to the topics discussed in meetings that are not relevant to them, meetings serve no purpose. The result is that employees are often excluded from discussions that provide important information.
Is there a way to overcome it?
You can use ScreenRec to resolve a new issue. Instead of holding meetings, make a video of the pertinent information and distribute it. This allows employees to watch videos at their convenience and get the information they need. The result is a higher level of productivity!
3. Decision Fatigue
Why does it waste so much time?
At work, we often experience decision fatigue. In a single day, you have to make a lot of decisions. As we age, we are more prone to make poor, thoughtless decisions. When we are tired, we tend to make irrational mistakes.
What is your strategy for overcoming it?
Ensure that small, unnecessary decisions are as few as possible. A good example would be deciding where to have lunch or what pen color to use. You will not only avoid decision fatigue by following these steps, but also save time that would otherwise be wasted.
By simplifying your life and organizing your workday, you will have more time for important tasks. Taking this into consideration will allow you to identify the decisions that waste your time. If you’re going to use a pen, pick a color for each day of the week. If you are going out for lunch every Monday, make a schedule for where you will eat.
Make a plan for how you’ll spend your morning making big decisions. Also, entrusting decision-making to colleagues who are better equipped to do so is crucial.
4. Online distractions and social networks
How Can It Be A Time Waster?
There’s no way around it. Quite honestly, social media and other online activities may be the primary distraction, whether at work or at home. Watching YouTube trending videos or scrolling through Facebook or Instagram posts, the time seems to pass quickly. The minute feels like it passed in an instant.
What is your strategy for overcoming it?
You have a variety of options at your disposal. While you can disable the app’s notifications, you can also turn it off completely. You must also refrain from visiting these websites and apps in addition to trying to block them.
Willpower and determination are all it takes. Try not to visit Facebook or get sucked into the world of Pinterest.
Planting trees can also be fun with Forest App if you want to avoid social media.
5. Multitasking
How Can It Be A Time Waster?
Fast-speed internet makes me dread working from home! It makes multitasking impossible. The Huffington Post article states that multitasking does not work.
This article explores the use of multitasking as a ploy to manipulate ourselves. It is easy to trick ourselves into believing that we are more productive when we take on more than one task at a time. That is not the case.
I think it would be a good idea to think of it as a buffet. You want to sample all the tasty foods available within a short period of time since there are so many to choose from.
The more dishes you pile on your plate, the more likely you are to finish them faster because they are in front of you.
It does not make sense, however. Put all these different things on one plate, and you will not be able to eat any faster. By eating more in one sitting than you can enjoy, all you’ve accomplished is to eat more. You’ll spend less time eating all that food if you try a few dishes first.
Adding more than one task to the to-do list at the same time can be considered multitasking. It takes longer for everything to be completed, and you are never satisfied with the results.
What are your methods for overcoming it?
There is no point in fooling yourself. Make sure you complete every assignment you begin. By focusing your energy on one task, you’ll be able to finish it more quickly, and your execution will be better as well.
6. Socialization
What Makes It A Time Waster?
It is important to understand that socializing is healthy for our minds. On the other hand, socializing can be distracting as well. Imagine that you are trying to focus on your work when your coworker starts chatting with you.
Alternately, you may be dealing with coworkers who do not care about using their internal voices. While you need to concentrate, you may not be able to concentrate if people are taking a lot of phone calls around you. Distractions can make it difficult to focus on what you’re doing and waste valuable time.
How Do You Overcome It?
Set healthy boundaries to protect yourself from distractions. While I do not advocate completely isolating yourself, know when to work and when to play. When the surrounding noise becomes overwhelming, put on some earbuds and tune out the noise with some music. Stay in the zone as long as you can.
A pair of noise-canceling earbuds can help you completely silence the sounds in your office.
7. Lack of motivation and procrastination
How Can It Be A Time Waster?
Our procrastination can cause us to become distracted. How does this happen? It is possible to procrastinate when you lack motivation because you have no reason to drive your work ethic.
You may be bored and disinterested as a result. It is complacency that kills productivity as it breeds complacency.
How Do You Overcome It?
Do not lose sight of why you are doing what you are doing. People work and succeed for many reasons. Regardless of what motivates you, keep it in front of you as a constant source of inspiration. You will stay motivated to keep working hard if you keep your eyes on your goals or what drives you.
Make a list of the goals that are most important to you. It will help you stay motivated when you are lacking motivation.
8. Untidy Workplace
How Can It Be A Time Waster?
According to Christina Scalise, the queen of organization, procrastination fuels clutter.
Awkward! I don’t know how else to put it. Clutter builds up when things are left unfinished, and it gets pushed aside.
You need to be unproductive in order to create clutter, and clutter results in unproductivity. The many things surrounding you will distract you from concentrating on a particular task when your workspace is messy.
What are your methods for overcoming it?
Clean up the mess so you can focus on one task at a time. Finish your current assignment before starting another. This will prevent your workspace from being cluttered with non-urgent items.
The effects of lost time will also be felt by us, the employees. Our home lives get disorganized and unproductive when we are overworked and stressed at work.
On the other hand, healthy work habits and proper time management affect our lives just as much as bad work habits do. You may be able to maintain a simple and easy work-life and personal life if you work hard.
By removing time wasters, you can be more productive. Declutter your workspace and focus on one thing at a time. It will pay off in the long run.